Step 1: The Healthcare Worker Signs In

The qualified healthcare provider scans their ID badge which has all their professional qualifications embedded within, and then they scan the Home Care Heart. This will let you know what time the healthcare provider arrives as well as if they are qualified to provide the services expected.

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Step 2: Performing Care

The healthcare provider continues to perform all the duties laid out for your loved one in the comfort of their own home. Once all duties are completed the Healthcare provider scans their ID Badge and then the Home Care Heart and provides answers for the list of questions that will appear pertaining to the patient.

Some questions will prompt the healthcare provider to take a picture, so you can see for yourself that your loved one is getting the care they deserve.

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Step 3: Peace of Mind

Have you ever had any doubts about the care your loved one is receiving when you are not around? When you use the Start Right Home Safe Solution all doubt is removed. You are able to see what is happening in real time. It takes only 60 seconds from the end of data input to you seeing all the information on your own private Dashboard. We know security is 1st and foremost, and that is why we store all data in a Tier 3 location with monthly third-party tests to ensure no possible breaches can take place.

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